Comment allons-nous savoir? – Le livre donné

Comment allons-nous savoir? – Le livre donné

Le livre donné par Lewis Carroll à Alice Liddell pour Noël en novembre 26, 1864, Lewis Carroll a donné mon parent, Alice Pleasance Liddell, un livre qu'il avait écrit pour elle. Il a appelé le livre Alice’s Adventures Underground après avoir examiné des titres tels que Alice’s Golden House., Alice Parmi les Elfes, Alice Parmi les Gobelins, et Alice’s Doings In Wonderland. Carroll avait passé plus de deux ans à écrire et ...

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La recherche globale pour l'éducation: leader du changement

La recherche globale pour l'éducation: leader du changement

The way to improve the quality of teaching is through teamwork in the schools, and then surround it with better teacher pre-service, better attraction of the profession, and better professional development.” — Michael Fullan Michael Fullan has been working to identify the right drivers for whole system education reform. His paper, “Choosing the Wrong Drivers for Whole System Reform,” has...

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La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Tout ce qui est de moi

La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Tout ce qui est de moi

The education system that will optimize the prospects of success in the global world will be one that develops passion, releases creativity, and which has deeply challenged its young people.” — Anthony Seldon Developing the whole child has been the goal of many leading global educators. Those who are succeeding appear to have struck the balance among learning, évaluation, and helping students understand who...

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La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Connaissance

La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Connaissance

“L'école est un droit universel. It is about the right of all young peopleto have access to ‘powerful knowledge’… ” — Michael Young Fueled by international test scores which indicate that the UK is lagging behind other nations in education, le débat britannique sur l'éducation s'est concentré sur un certain nombre de questions. These include the nature of standardized exams and the weakness of the academic core...

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Comment vont-ils plomb?

Comment vont-ils plomb?

So many of them have persevered through so much in their lives already, and overcome tremendous adversity, but they don’t even realize it. It is remarkable that they want to continue dedicating themselves to helping others.” — Kirk Spahn, ICL co-founder As Americans begin to evaluate the US candidates for the next presidential election, everyone will ask himself or herself this question: How will they...

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