By Ishana Sen Das Directed by Lucca Vieira, パークランド: Stories from the Survivors, is a short documentary centering around a high school shooting in Parkland, Florida on Valentine’s Day 2018. One year after the fatal shooting at their high school, the film shares the perspectives of five Stoneman Douglas High School students who witnessed or were affected by the shooting. They talk about the experience itself, as well as...
By Ishana Sen Das Girls Should Stay at Home, directed by Neel Menon, documents the stories of three young women living in Mumbai; each of these women have pushed at traditional gender norms in their own way. We hear from Geeta, who plays international wheelchair basketball, Rajani, Mumbai’s first female detective, and Anita, who is a public officer. We learn about their experiences in each of their respective fields as well as the...
イーサン・トーマス著 学習シンクタンクに参加する大勢の人々の重要なアイデアを記録できるように、インパクトのある方法でディスカッションを簡素化するにはどうすればよいですか? 議論と変化は傾聴から始まる. クリス・マラピタン, ビジュアルファシリテーター, スピーカー, そしてアーティストはこのアイデアをさらに推し進めます。監督・製作:クリストファー・スコット・カーペンター, 短いドキュメンタリー, 変化の視覚化, 視聴者に深い洞察を与えます。.
By Rishi Mulloth What is it about the nature of birds in nature that evokes this sense of peace and serenity? Maybe it’s the rhythmic flow of their calls, or the graceful fluttering of their wings, or maybe it is the hard-wired connection between humans and the natural world. Whatever the case is, Joe Chang’s (curated for Planet Classroom by KidsFirst!) animated short, “The Birds”, artistically displays this innate beauty within the...
By Rishi Mulloth “It’s often times a beautiful thing overcoming the difficulties along the way, and making your way up to the top.” This is the inspiring message from Baker Nicholaou while discussing his nonprofit enterprise Bicimaximo, a bike repair shop in Granada, Nicaragua which is the subject of the film, 2番目のサイクル, directed by Gwendolyn Hamilton (curated for Planet Classroom by SIMA Classroom). この映画では, audiences get an...