Birer Birer Bize Olumlu Bir Eylemin Nasıl Zincirleme Reaksiyona Neden Olabileceğini Hatırlatıyor

Birer Birer Bize Olumlu Bir Eylemin Nasıl Zincirleme Reaksiyona Neden Olabileceğini Hatırlatıyor

By Alex Silverman On a sunny day at the beach, a man sits by the shore and begins to read his book. Suddenly, he sees a young boy walking along and picking up every piece of trash he can find. At first he seems to scoff at the idea of what the boy is trying to do until he is told by the boy that change starts with one person. The man reflects on this and ultimately joins the boy to walk along the shore, picking up trash as they go....

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Kusursuz Kusurlu – Gençler, Sosyal Medya ve Mükemmellik Yanılsaması

Kusursuz Kusurlu – Gençler, Sosyal Medya ve Mükemmellik Yanılsaması

By Alex Silverman Technology and social media are integral to our daily lives. Have you ever scrolled through your Facebook, Instagram, Heyecan, or other social media feeds and seen people posting about their experiences, Başarıları, or just plain attempts to show off? You may have experienced certain feelings after witnessing these things such as joy, sadness, or even anger. In the case of the short student film Perfectly...

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Dostluk, Tutku, Kayıp, ve İzolasyon Karantinanın Temalarıdır, Kendilerinden Tecrit Etmelerini İsteyen Bir Dünyada Bağlantıda Kalmaya Çalışan Gençler Hakkında Sanal Müzikal.

Dostluk, Tutku, Kayıp, ve İzolasyon Karantinanın Temalarıdır, Kendilerinden Tecrit Etmelerini İsteyen Bir Dünyada Bağlantıda Kalmaya Çalışan Gençler Hakkında Sanal Müzikal.

By Will Hite Theater Bug, a non profit organization based in Nashville, and MA2LA collaborated to produce the explosive, groundbreaking Quaranteened, a virtual musical about the lives of a high school choir group who strive to put on a virtual show while also figuring out how to help out a grieving classmate. The musical was written and produced by teenagers living in quarantine in Nashville during the pandemic. Very few pieces...

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Baskıcı veya Eğitici? Siyah Kızlar Okul Kıyafet Kurallarının Motiflerine Meydan Okuyor

Baskıcı veya Eğitici? Siyah Kızlar Okul Kıyafet Kurallarının Motiflerine Meydan Okuyor

By Ali Grutchfield Dress codes are a paramount component of many environments, helping to establish professionalism and organization. Ancak, in schools, dress codes can be manipulated to disproportionately target female black students. Clothed Minds is a documentary focused on dress code policies for black girls in the Washington DC public and charter school systems. It seeks to explore how enforcing dress codes leads to detrimental...

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İnsan Irk ISM, Irkçılığın Etkilerini Farklı Bir Şekilde Keşfediyor: uzaylılar

İnsan Irk ISM, Irkçılığın Etkilerini Farklı Bir Şekilde Keşfediyor: uzaylılar

Julian Cao Sistemik ırkçılık toplumu sarıyor ve rahatsız ediyor, ve genellikle bizden farklı renkte olan insanlara yöneliktir.. Irkçılık, kişinin kendi ırkının üstün olduğuna dair temelsiz inançtan kaynaklanır.. Ama, ya o ırk uzaylı bir ırksa? Yönetmen Elina Villemure, Human Race ISM is a three-minute short film that uniquely addresses racism through the concept of the human race versus an alien race. Thomas is a human...

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