

亞歷克斯·西爾弗曼 (Alex Silverman) 在陽光明媚的海灘上, 一個男人坐在岸邊開始看他的書. 突然, 他看到一個小男孩走在路上,撿起他能找到的每一塊垃圾. 一開始他似乎對男孩試圖做的事情嗤之以鼻,直到男孩告訴他改變始於一個人. 男人想了想,終於和男孩一起沿著岸邊走, picking up trash as they go....

完全不完美 – 青少年, 社交媒體和完美的錯覺

完全不完美 – 青少年, 社交媒體和完美的錯覺

By Alex Silverman Technology and social media are integral to our daily lives. Have you ever scrolled through your Facebook, Instagram的, 嘰嘰喳喳, or other social media feeds and seen people posting about their experiences, 成就, or just plain attempts to show off? You may have experienced certain feelings after witnessing these things such as joy, sadness, or even anger. In the case of the short student film Perfectly...

友誼, 情, 損失, 隔離是隔離的主題, 一部關於青少年試圖在一個要求他們隔離的世界中保持聯繫的虛擬音樂劇.

友誼, 情, 損失, 隔離是隔離的主題, 一部關於青少年試圖在一個要求他們隔離的世界中保持聯繫的虛擬音樂劇.

作者:Will Hite Theatre Bug, 位於納什維爾的非營利組織, and MA2LA collaborated to produce the explosive, groundbreaking Quaranteened, a virtual musical about the lives of a high school choir group who strive to put on a virtual show while also figuring out how to help out a grieving classmate. The musical was written and produced by teenagers living in quarantine in Nashville during the pandemic. Very few pieces...

壓迫性或教育性? 黑人女孩挑戰學校著裝規範的動機

壓迫性或教育性? 黑人女孩挑戰學校著裝規範的動機

和主演奧利維亞和.., helping to establish professionalism and organization. 然而, in schools, dress codes can be manipulated to disproportionately target female black students. Clothed Minds is a documentary focused on dress code policies for black girls in the Washington DC public and charter school systems. It seeks to explore how enforcing dress codes leads to detrimental...

Human Race ISM 以扭曲的方式探索種族主義的影響: 外星人

Human Race ISM 以扭曲的方式探索種族主義的影響: 外星人

作者:Julian Cao 系統性種族主義遍及並困擾著社會, 它通常針對與我們膚色不同的人. 種族主義源於認為自己的種族優越的毫無根據的信念. 但, 如果那個種族是外星種族怎麼辦? 埃琳娜·維勒穆爾 導演, Human Race ISM 是一部三分鐘的短片,通過人類與外星種族的概念獨特地解決了種族主義問題. 托馬斯是人。。.
