Die globale Suche nach Bildung: DR. Margaret Dowell über Sucht und die Rolle der Familie
Diesen Monat im Planet Classroom Network, Zuschauer können Dr vorführen. Margaret Dowells Sucht: Die Auswirkungen auf die Familie, Folge 2 in der Reihe Sucht und Kunst.
Das Autogramm erforscht Besessenheit
By Ali Grutchfield Parents are constantly encouraging their children to find passions and pursue life with unfettered determination. Mohit Modi’s The Autograph creatively explores the empowerment that kids aspire to and examines the strength to be found in intrinsic motivation. The Autograph is the story of a young boy’s downward spiral from being an avid fan to an obsessed one. After receiving an autograph from his...
Hearts of Steel erobert das Herz mit stählerner Entschlossenheit
By Julian Cao Directed by Gayle Wilmot, Hearts of Steel is a twenty-minute documentary film that centers on a group of steelpan musicians in Toronto. The motley crew of steelpan musicians, or pannists, are diverse and of all stripes, but what unifies them is their palpable, unreserved love for the steelpan. They train rigorously and tirelessly; for endless hours, they convene and practice each song until they master it. Their...
Green Ambassadors veranschaulicht, wie sich junge Menschen für die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels engagieren
By Ethan Thomas The issue of climate change is daunting, Es erfordert die Anstrengung vieler, sich damit auseinanderzusetzen. Hier sind die Schüler des Green Ambassador-Programms der Lawndale Environmental Charter High School entschlossen, etwas zum Wohle unseres Planeten zu bewirken. This short documentary highlights the efforts made by the bright young minds who take on the issues of climate change and make a positive impact on the environment....
Queens ist eine Reise in das Leben der Drag Queens aus Seattle
By Ethan Thomas Drag culture continues to be vibrant and dynamic thanks to the performers, Künstler, and designers who keep pushing the envelope of this art form. In Western culture, Drag performers can be traced as far back as ancient Greece. The documentary Queens takes a detailed look into the lives of 4 Seattle-based drag queens, illustrating the diverse ways that Drag has influenced and affected their lives. We learn about...
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