Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Dr. Margaret Dowell sulla dipendenza e il ruolo della famiglia

Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Dr. Margaret Dowell sulla dipendenza e il ruolo della famiglia

Questo mese sul Planet Classroom Network, il pubblico può proiettare Dr. La dipendenza di Margaret Dowell: L'impatto sulla famiglia, Episodio 2 nella serie Dipendenza e Arte.

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L'autografo esplora l'ossessione

L'autografo esplora l'ossessione

Di Ali Grutchfield I genitori incoraggiano costantemente i loro figli a trovare passioni e perseguire la vita con determinazione sfrenata. The Autograph di Mohit Modi esplora in modo creativo l’empowerment a cui aspirano i bambini ed esamina la forza che si trova nella motivazione intrinseca. The Autograph è la storia della spirale discendente di un ragazzo dall'essere un fan accanito a un ossessionato. Dopo aver ricevuto un autografo dal suo...

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Hearts of Steel Captures the Heart With Steely Determination

Hearts of Steel Captures the Heart With Steely Determination

By Julian Cao Directed by Gayle Wilmot, Hearts of Steel is a twenty-minute documentary film that centers on a group of steelpan musicians in Toronto. The motley crew of steelpan musicians, or pannists, are diverse and of all stripes, but what unifies them is their palpable, unreserved love for the steelpan. They train rigorously and tirelessly; for endless hours, they convene and practice each song until they master it. Their...

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Green Ambassadors Illustrates How Young People Are Getting Involved to Combat Climate Change

Green Ambassadors Illustrates How Young People Are Getting Involved to Combat Climate Change

By Ethan Thomas The issue of climate change is daunting, requiring the effort of many to address. This is where the students in the Green Ambassador program of Lawndale Environmental Charter High School are determined to make a difference for the better of our planet. This short documentary highlights the efforts made by the bright young minds who take on the issues of climate change and make a positive impact on the environment....

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Queens Is a Journey into the Lives of Seattle Drag Queens

Queens Is a Journey into the Lives of Seattle Drag Queens

By Ethan Thomas Drag culture continues to be vibrant and dynamic thanks to the performers, artisti, and designers who keep pushing the envelope of this art form. In Western culture, Drag performers can be traced as far back as ancient Greece. The documentary Queens takes a detailed look into the lives of 4 Seattle-based drag queens, illustrating the diverse ways that Drag has influenced and affected their lives. We learn about...

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