全球搜索教育: 小卡洛斯·道格拉斯 导演. 谈论他的电影, 肯尼亚的交响乐
本月在Planet Classroom网络上, 观众可以在 Planet Classroom Network 上放映肯尼亚的交响曲.
全球搜索教育: 活动家 Cherry Sung 与绿色和平组织的 Justin Jeong 谈论气候行动
本月在 Planet Cassroom 网络上, 观众可以观看与Justin Jeong的净零对话.
全球搜索教育: 气候活动家 Priyanka Prakash 从社会企业家 Udit Singhal 那里得到独家新闻
本月在 Planet Cassroom 网络上, 观众可以通过 Udit Singhal 观看净零演讲.
By Rhea Mursalin In The Sun Will Save Us, Tanner Sell presents a strong and informative argument as to why solar energy is the leading energy source that can aid in the fight against climate change. Through the use of on-screen captions and a frequent stream of footage depicting solar panel installations, this short film highlights both the need for solar energy, as well as the main reasons why it is currently impractical to adopt...