小卡洛斯·道格拉斯的肯尼亞交響曲: 發現內在的音樂
作者:Rhea Mursalin Carlos Douglas Jr. 的短片, 肯尼亞交響樂團, demonstrates the powerful effects that music can have on those who have been exposed to its beauty. Through the use of bright and colorful animation, this film paints a complete story of how reluctance can evolve into inspiration. We see how Kenya, a child being dragged to an orchestra concert, eventually develops a love and appreciation for music. She initially...
格蕾絲·格雷厄姆(Grace Graham) 哈桑·納吉馬巴迪(Hasan Najmabadi)的電影《阿帕拉特》(Aparat)是一部感人的短篇小說,講述了 6 teenage boys who put their differences aside and work together to watch a movie. I genuinely really loved this film. It was simple, to the point, and provided a good message. Throughout the film, we see a recurring theme of the importance of movies and films. When the boys are initially trading in their collected scraps, they forgo money and...
艾薇兒·羅蘭《潛水員》, 翻譯為“潛水員”, 是德國作曲家弗朗茨·舒伯特創作的一首動蕩的民謠 1797. 這部作品講述了一位鄉紳冒著生命危險去追尋國王扔進洶湧大海的金杯的故事。, 只是當他的國王提供更大的獎勵(如果他能再次取回高腳杯)時,他致命地試圖重複審判. 特色表演由男中音泰勒演唱。.
作者:艾薇兒羅蘭 《破碎的星星》是由 Ejun Hong 製作的一部可愛的動畫短片,講述了一位明星通過幫助他人學會重新發光的故事. 鑲嵌在柔和的光芒中, 寶石色調的外太空, 星星是一種類似植物的生物,可以接受和實現孩子的願望. 而其他明星則顯示健康、綠色, 我們的星星是黃色的,葉子枯萎了, 渴望看著其他明星實現自己的願望. 當我們的明星收到來自...
Malibu Taetz 的反思: 尋找接近同事的理由
Reflections is a short film by director Malibu Taetz that depicts a shy office clerk trying to brighten a co-worker’s day after seeing her through a reflection. 這部電影的對話很少,並且設法對演員進行深度關注’ 肢體語言和臉部表情, 讓觀眾以自己的方式解讀場景, while also maintaining a storyline with the actions of the...