Director Yuntong Man Tells a Moving and Unique Story
By Rhea Mursalin Director Yuntong Man creates a moving and unique film in Flowers of Marrakech that focuses on Nadia, a Moroccan henna artist seeking to improve her art and care for her two children. Nadia is portrayed as a positive individual who always puts her children first. Being a single mother, she speaks about being the only provider for the household, as well as the significance of her art. Flowers of Marrakech is...
Monsta by Morning Wu is Engaging
By Avril Rowland Monsta is an animated film made by Morning Wu about a villager befriending a monster he meets while out in the woods. The film is short and sweet, telling its story in less than a minute. The painterly cartoon style is unique and engaging, made with bright colors and well-designed characters. The monster’s movements are particularly smooth and well animated. The film is quick and colorful, perfect for a younger child...
To SHINE Brighter Than the Sun
By Tanner Sell SHINE is a short-film that relays the ideas and propositions of many young people for calibrating their lifestyle to a post-pandemic world. Producer Jake Mascolo manages to weave together a collection of deeply moving and inspiring messages in a way that contributes to a greater theme. Lockdowns and remote life certainly had an impact on the lives of millions of young people, yet through the SHINE project, it...
Cortes de pelo: A Moving Reminder to Reconnect
By Alex Abreu Haircuts by Ethan Thomas is a short film that evokes a simple yet poignant story about adolescence and adulthood. The first time a young adult gains independence is an overwhelming and scary experience. What comes across clearly in the short film through Thomas’ direction is the initial melancholic tone that gradually transforms into something nostalgic and sweet. It’s a reminder of the importance of connection...
An Enchanting and Poignant Tale from Alexis Wong
By Alex Abreu Bane of the Beasts by Alexis Wong is an animated short film with a dreamy, storybook-like aesthetic that immediately draws the viewer into the story. The captivating narration and soothing soundscape brings back memories of childhood stories and lessons that last a lifetime. The film further cements this with a simple, yet powerful message regarding the risk of rejection through the eyes of the protagonist, a creature...
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