The Future of the Fanihi Is Far from Secure
By Veronique Manfredini “Fanihi: Μια Πολιτιστική Ανασκόπηση,” directed by Jim Tharp, is a short documentary analyzing the relationship between the Mariana Islands’ native fruit bat, the Fanihi, and the Chamorro’s societal struggle with heritage and commercialization. The short film begins with a paragraph of text about the importance of the Mariana Archipelago’s fruit bat, which I wish had been narrated rather than just written, as it would...
Ο καλύτερος φίλος ενός άντρα
Του Taylor Holden Το A Boy's Best Friend του Quinn Freidman είναι μια συγκινητική ταινία μικρού μήκους που διαδραματίζεται στην πανδημία για ένα μικρό αγόρι που ονομάζεται Billy. Ο Μπίλι είναι σε καραντίνα και βαριέται, και προσπαθώντας να καταλάβω πώς να διασκεδάσω. Εν τω μεταξύ, ο σκύλος του προσπαθεί συνεχώς να τραβήξει την προσοχή του, αλλά ο Μπίλι επιλέγει να αγνοήσει το κατοικίδιό του. Μόλις οι γονείς του Μπίλι αρχίσουν να μαλώνουν και να έχουν προβλήματα, συνειδητοποιεί ότι ο σκύλος του είναι σημαντικός....
Dancing to Connect Despite Isolation
By Veronique Manfredini Lacking, curated by Battery Dance in collaboration with their German program, Χορεύοντας στο Connect, is a short film that focuses on the feeling of isolation caused by the pandemic and the connection created when people collaborate. Lacking begins with an introduction by the three individuals that made the workshop possible. This was a great way to introduce the dance: an interpretation of the dancers’ emotions...
A Space for Women to Shine and Grow
By Rhea Mursalin Women Are Gold, a film by Lizzie Green, highlights the jewelry brand Penh Lenh in Cambodia and the work they’ve done to educate and motivate local, marginalized women. Throughout the film, the women in Cambodia open up about their personal struggles and the help they’ve received since becoming a part of Penh Lenh. The benefits they’ve experienced range from career opportunities, to developing skills, to simply...
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