Fanihi 的未来远非安全
作者:Veronique Manfredini “法尼希: 文化文摘,吉姆·撒普导演, 是一部简短的纪录片,分析了马里亚纳群岛本土果蝠之间的关系, 法尼希人, 以及查莫罗人在遗产和商业化方面的社会斗争. 短片以一段文字开头,介绍马里亚纳群岛果蝠的重要性, 我希望它是被叙述的而不是仅仅被写下来, 因为它会...
By Taylor Holden Quinn Freidman’s A Boy’s Best Friend is a heartwarming short film set in the pandemic about a small boy named Billy. Billy is in quarantine and bored, and trying to figure out how to have some fun. Meanwhile, his dog constantly tries to get his attention, but Billy chooses to ignore his pet. It is not until Billy’s parents begin to argue and have problems that he realizes his dog is important....
作者:维罗尼克·曼弗雷迪尼, 由 Battery Dance 与德国项目合作策划, 跳舞连接, 是一部短片,重点关注大流行造成的孤立感以及人们合作时建立的联系. Lacking 首先由使研讨会成为可能的三个人的介绍开始. 这是介绍舞蹈的好方法: 对舞者情感的诠释...