全球搜索教育: 内森·沃德谈拍摄赋权马戏团
这个月, audiences can screen Come One, 都来吧 – A Circus With a Purpose on the Planet Classroom Network.
朋友: 想象中的朋友面临现实世界的问题
由: Alex Silverman Farid Tahmasebi presents iFriend, 两个想象中的朋友面临只有想象中的朋友才会遇到的问题的故事: 被遗忘. 故事的构思非常独特,以古怪的主角和鲜艳的色彩脱颖而出. 阿尔弗雷德, 一个 9 岁男孩的想象中的朋友, 面临着被遗忘的困境. 如果他被遗忘, 他将失去他的能力并成为一个真正的人. After he meets...
和谐的决定: 第一任主席回顾
By Xinrui Ma First Chair is a short film by the Montgomery brothers, 伊森和卢克, 讲述了一位单簧管演奏者重新评估自己的才华并追求成为学校音乐项目第一任主席的目标的故事. 故事情节很简单, 但自我导向的情感引起了许多在音乐行业寻求激情和地位的才华横溢的学生的共鸣. 通过不懈的练习和排练, one can earn...
蒂皮之家: 一个新的学习场所
由: Alex Silverman Rosie Robinson provides us with an inside look at a small cafe, 蒂皮之家. But this is no ordinary cafe; it is also a learning hub that is growing a larger community. The Tipi Cafe is located in Da Nang, 越南, a city that is growing fast. But what makes this cafe stand out is the community it is raising. The Tipi Cafe also serves as a base for collaborative, conversation-based English learning. In this...
布莱恩博物馆的点评: 传播对德克萨斯历史的热爱
By Ailin Velazquez The Bryan Museum: 传播对德克萨斯历史的热爱, 埃沙安·马尼 导演, is an educational and informative film that captures the importance of Texas history and the museum’s efforts to educate younger people through their distinctive learning and literacy-based programs. The film also provides an insightful glimpse of how the museum is creating an internal change to offer a more educational and...