By Emily Brooks Mark Keifer’s Time Bomb explores humanity’s response to climate change through a group of men attempting to defuse a bomb. Their casual approach to finding solutions, reluctance to use costly resources, and frustrating encounters with customer service create an entertaining yet exasperating experience. My eyes remained fixed on the screen as I wondered whether these maintenance workers would halt the bomb. Their...
和諧咖啡: 透過咖啡和價值觀培養社區
由: Ailin Velazquez Directed by Aria Zapata, Café Armonía offers a glimpse into its community-driven ethos. 9月成立 2014 在謝拉, 危地馬拉, 這是由當地協會 Manos Campesinas 和 ASOBAGRI 發起的咖啡天堂,首次推出直銷現煮有機咖啡, 公平貿易咖啡. 這部真實的電影闡述了 Café Armonía 對社區的影響, 家庭, 和...
萬德動力: 電影製作的新領域
由: Alex Silverman Wonder Dynamics: Film Revolution, produced by Colton Law and narrated by Jerry Camacho, is part of Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver series. This short film introduces Wonder Dynamics, a groundbreaking technology. It transforms an actor’s performance from single-camera footage into a CG character, automating animation, 燈光, and composition. The system tracks the actor’s performance in scenes and...
由: Alex Silverman Will AI Replace Human Translators? Is produced by Sabrina Smith, for Planet Classroom’s Problem Solvers series. As AI becomes more and more a part of our daily lives, this short analyzes the pros and cons of AI being used in language translation, even posing the idea of AI outright replacing human translators. Sabrina Smith lays out her arguments very well; the pros are that AI has made significant progress and has...
保育生物多樣性: 我們如何有所作為?
由: Ailin Velazquez Preserving Biodiversity: 我們如何有所作為, produced by Adelina Hill, is a thought-provoking short film that delves into the heart of environmental struggles and the power of change. This powerful piece not only illuminates the issues, but also equips viewers with actionable steps for everyday impact. From sustainable swaps to powerful advocacy, the film unveils a spectrum of solutions...