By Rhea Mursalin The Bardian Ensemble presents a transfixing and engaging performance of “A Gift,” 由 Joan Tower 与 Laura Flax 合作的作品, 玛卡·古斯塔夫森, 朱莉·兰德斯曼, 布莱尔·麦克米伦, 和拉曼·拉马克里希南. 多次获得格莱美奖的琼·塔尔被广泛认为是当今美国最重要的作曲家之一. 在其职业生涯中跨度超过 50 年, she has made lasting contributions to music as...
瀑布仪式: 青少年精神旅程的电影之旅
By Jack DeWitt Watch as a 13-year-old boy experiences a Buddhist ritual beneath a stunning Japanese waterfall in Kazuya Ashizawa’s short film, 瀑布. The video captures the family’s preparation, the scenic journey, and the powerful ceremony. The cinematography skillfully immerses viewers into the experience, especially with underwater footage, evoking a sense of participation. The ritual’s significance is...
我和 Android 的晚餐: 揭开元之谜
由: Alex Silverman In My Dinner With An Android, 指导的, 书面, and produced by Grant Bomar, with Dean Bomar as editor and cinematographer, a 30-minute short film unfolds. The plot follows a documentary filmmaker investigating a mysterious dinner party disappearance, led by a suspect AI scientist with potentially sinister motives. The film’s strength lies in its use of surreal imagery, although one could argue it...
By Emily Brooks One Story at a Time, directed by Nathan Legger, is a heartwarming short film following Mehdi El Gahly and Jawad Elbeid in Amizmiz, 摩洛哥, as they pass down oral storytelling, preserving historic tales dating back over 1000 年. The film provides an immersive experience. Oddly, I found myself relating to the stories, reflecting on my own traditions. Recognizing the significance of keeping this tradition alive, 一世...
和谐教育: 古德在巴德的大师班
By Jack DeWitt Master pianist Richard Goode demonstrates techniques with students and shares his thoughts on music education. 在这个短视频中, 巴德学院音乐学院理查德·古德大师班, 由巴德学院音乐学院策划, 钢琴大师理查德·古德聆听并批评两名学生的演奏. 他还通过评论分享了他对音乐教育的看法. 古德, celebrated for profound...