太陽を取り入れましょう: ソーラーウィンドウの評価
By Jack DeWitt In the short film, What Could Be Hotter Than Solar Windows? by Kennedy Mallory, viewers learn about the differences between solar and regular windows, and how solar windows could address the renewable energy crisis. Mallory discusses their installation on skyscrapers and in cities, highlighting companies involved in the technology. Pros and cons are presented, with pros outweighing cons. Rating: 3.75/5. The topic...
廃棄物管理に革命を起こす: ハイイロオウムの物語
バイ: Alex Silverman Producer Chloe Williams presents Turning Waste Into Innovation – ハイイロオウム革命, a special look into one company’s mission to turn waste into energy. Founded in 2019 ミケラ・ドラックマン著, ニコラ・シヴァキ, そしてアンバリッシュ・ミトラ, Greyparrot は廃棄物の削減を目指しています. AIテクノロジーを導入したのは、 70% of European recycling centers and combat waste from single-use vapes. With funding from...
今日の二酸化炭素排出量はどれくらいでしたか? 私たちは排出量を追跡していますか
By Emily Brooks In the informative film, 今日の二酸化炭素排出量はどれくらいでしたか? by Sydney Chandler and Shari Porter, climate change and carbon footprints are put under the microscope, and potential solutions are explored. We learn about the impacts individuals and companies are making, and how to potentially track and offset our emissions. While watching this film, I gained valuable insights. Though I understood the concept of a carbon...
不確実な時代における音楽への取り組み: ベンジャミン・ホックマン & Keiko Sekino Piano Studio Recital
By Rhea Mursalin Benjamin Hochman and Keiko Sekino’s virtual piano recital is a captivating testament to the resilience and talent of young musicians amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. この出演者たち, 一人は中国を拠点とするミュージシャン、もう一人はロシアを拠点とするミュージシャンと, 彼らの素晴らしい才能だけでなく、彼らの技術への深い取り組みを示す魅惑的なパフォーマンスを披露します。. The carefully...