全球搜索教育: 气候活动家 Cherry Sung 采访马里内尔·乌巴尔多 (Marinel Ubaldo)
这个月, 观众可以观看《净零》与马里内尔·乌巴尔多的对话, 广受好评的净零视频系列的最新补充.
迷人的结局: 拉赫玛尼诺夫第二交响曲. 2
雷亚·穆萨林 (Rhea Mursalin) 巴德音乐学院管弦乐团演绎谢尔盖·拉赫玛尼诺夫《第一交响曲》. 2 简直令人着迷, 提供与激情产生共鸣的表演. 拉赫玛尼诺夫的第二交响曲是创造力和韧性的胜利, 巴德音乐学院管弦乐团以迷人的演绎向这一遗产致敬. 创作于 1906 并于次年首映,...
中国先锋: 澳大利亚的韧性和社区的迷人故事
by Jack DeWitt In the story Chinese Pioneers directed by Ying Chu, the audience learns about the first Chinese pioneers in Australia. After the early 1900s, assimilation of the Chinese into the broader Australian culture became increasingly difficult due to xenophobia and racism. To combat these prejudices, an association called the “中华会馆” was formed and later recognized by the supreme court of the...
感人的疫情友谊故事: 没有新朋友
作者:亚历克斯·西尔弗曼 没有写新朋友, 指导的, 由 Neha Gautam 制作. 影片中的两个主角与他们现实生活中的母亲一起出演这个关于友谊的简单而甜蜜的故事. 在纽约市,正值 COVID-19 大流行最严重的时期, 一个四岁男孩整天被困在家里,很难交到朋友. 当他注意到一个与他年龄相仿的女孩从街对面的窗户往外看时, 他们的...
改变生活: 基帕瓦展示了坦桑尼亚青年的赋权
By Nikita Harris Kipawa is an inspiring film directed by Elizabeth Hansen that documents TYLEV—Tanzania Young Leaders Empowering Vijana. The organization is working to improve the lives of young men and women in Tanzanian society. The film also showcases one of the mentors, Isiaka, a young man who has persevered through grief and loss by being involved in TYLEV. The film reveals the transformative power TYLEV has in the lives of the...