改變生活: 基帕瓦展示了坦尚尼亞青年的賦權

改變生活: 基帕瓦展示了坦尚尼亞青年的賦權

作者:Nikita Harris Kipawa 是一部鼓舞人心的電影,由 Elizabeth Hansen 執導,記錄了 TYLEV——坦尚尼亞青年領袖為 Vijana 賦權的故事. 該組織致力於改善坦尚尼亞社會青年男女的生活. 影片中也展示了其中一位導師, 以賽亞, 一位因參與 TYLEV 活動而在悲傷和失落中堅持下來的年輕人. 這部電影揭示了 TYLEV 對人們生活的改變力量。.

避難所: 對脆弱性和韌性的真誠探索

避難所: 對脆弱性和韌性的真誠探索

By Nikita Harris Refuge is a film directed by Leticia Agudo that takes you to the other side of life abroad. It captures the essence of vulnerability when one is left to the mercy of the harsh city streets in a host country. The story of Lawrence provides an eye-opening look at the life of a Cameroonian refugee in Seville, 西班牙, displaced and living a life of uncertainty day-to-day. The dialogue, based on real-life experiences,...

透過 Oneka Technologies 解決全球水資源短缺問題

透過 Oneka Technologies 解決全球水資源短缺問題

傑克·德威特拍攝的短片, 永續的解決方案—水資源短缺, 由布拉德利羅斯執導,妮可莎拉配音,講述了全球日益嚴峻的清潔飲用水挑戰。 Oneka Technologies 憑藉其屢獲殊榮的解決方案提出了該問題的創新解決方案, 零排放水上浮標. 這款移動式海水淡化機利用海水和波浪能產生鋼彈 50,000 公升淡水...

創意與人工智慧相遇的地方: 探索說故事的未來

創意與人工智慧相遇的地方: 探索說故事的未來

By Rhea Mursalin Produced by Planet Classroom’s own Sergio Castaneda, SORA: Revolutionizing Storytelling with AI delves deep into the realm of storytelling and presents an important narrative regarding the potential of artificial intelligence. Set against the backdrop of a rapidly evolving digital landscape, SORA introduces viewers to a groundbreaking tool that promises to revolutionize storytelling as we know it. Led by...

醫療保健中的藝術轉型: 創造力的療癒力量

醫療保健中的藝術轉型: 創造力的療癒力量

By Alex Silverman Art Transformation in Healthcare is the latest entry in Planet Classroom’s Problem Solvers series. Directed by Jack DeWitt, with narration by Allena Hill, this short film guides viewers through the impactful role of art in healing spaces. It demonstrates how vibrant artwork revitalizes hospital settings, enhancing patient well-being. Featuring nature-inspired art and therapeutic sessions, the film emphasizes the...
