A Musical Ode to Resilience: Tan Dun Prayers and Blessing

A Musical Ode to Resilience: Tan Dun Prayers and Blessing

By Rhea Mursalin Tan Dun Prayers and Blessing stands as a significant testament to the human spirit amidst adversity, beautifully captured in this collaborative project by the Bard College Conservatory of Music and edited by Ryan MacEvoy McCullough and Yinglin Zhou. Tan Dun, the Dean of Bard Conservatory, masterfully crafts a composition that transcends its origins during the unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic, evoking deep...

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Une célébration de l'esprit communautaire: Lettres d’amour pour New Bedford

Une célébration de l'esprit communautaire: Lettres d’amour pour New Bedford

By Rhea Mursalin Love Letters for New Bedford, directed by Ethan de Aguiar, beautifully captures the essence of New Bedford, Massachusetts, through a rich tapestry of voices and perspectives. This documentary celebrates the city’s vibrant cultural community, spotlighting artists, éducateurs, poètes, journalists, authors, and vocalists. Through thoughtful storytelling and intimate interviews, de Aguiar seamlessly weaves together...

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Adieux célestes: Mort d'une étoile

Adieux célestes: Mort d'une étoile

By Alex Silverman Death of a Star, réalisé par WadeBE et écrit par Shantel Neo, tells the story of two NASA engineers with one being more optimistic than the other. The engineers soon discover what their work means to each other. L'ingénieur senior est profondément absorbé par son travail, tandis que l'ingénieur junior révèle qu'il quitte la NASA, laissant l'ingénieur principal consterné. Director WadeBE’s personal connection to the NASA...

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Une seconde chance à l'enfance grâce à la communauté

Une seconde chance à l'enfance grâce à la communauté

By Zachary Klein Director Samantha Kapinosfilm Supremos (We Will Overcome) is small but deliberate. Kapinos’ short documentary conjures emotions by connecting a larger social problem to a heartfelt story of resilience and community-bonding. ‘Supremosfollows Araceli, a single Honduran mother raising her two children while studying to finish her high school degree, supported by the Esteli Women’s School. Kapinos is...

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Une gamme diversifiée de styles musicaux entre deux jetées

Une gamme diversifiée de styles musicaux entre deux jetées

By Teresa Matuzak This documentary by director Rosie Robinson dives into the Brighton Beach Busking scene. La rue, ou spectacle de rue, est populaire le long de la plage de Brighton, attirant chaque jour touristes et habitués vers des spectacles uniques. Between Two Piers examines how Beach Busking engages the local community, offre une scène aux artistes, et comment les médias sociaux peuvent influencer les performances des artistes, for better or for worse....

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