Pianista: jugando con el corazon

Pianista: jugando con el corazon

Por Alex Silverman Pianista (no confundir con la película protagonizada por Adrien Brody) está dirigida por Kazuya Ashizawa. Cuenta la historia de un pianista que lucha por tocar una pieza de Beethoven.. La estrella de esta película es Yusuke Honda., ¿Quién es el ganador de un concurso internacional en la vida real?. Vemos a Yusuke luchar al principio con su pieza., con su instructor recordándole que Beethoven compuso la pieza con todo su corazón, asi que...

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Una tremenda Treeapp para plantar árboles

Una tremenda Treeapp para plantar árboles

By Teresa Matuzak This succinct video, created by Ailin Velazquez, introduces viewers to Treeapp, an innovative organization using its online app and website to plant trees. By watching advertisements or donating online, usuarios’ contributions are utilized to plant trees—it’s as easy as one, two, tree! Velazquez eloquently describes how deforestation is threatening ecosystems across the globe and how Treeapp’s tree-planting...

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Innovaciones verdes: El futuro del almacenamiento de energía renovable

Innovaciones verdes: El futuro del almacenamiento de energía renovable

Por: Alex Silverman The Future of Renewable Energy Storage, produced by Nicholas Olavario for Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver Series, introduces us to Form Energy and their groundbreaking ‘iron-air battery’ innovación. This short film addresses the pivotal question: How can renewable energy be made reliable 24/7? Through insightful storytelling and compelling visuals, Olavario chronicles Form Energy’s journey in...

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Usar Internet para alimentar a las personas necesitadas

Usar Internet para alimentar a las personas necesitadas

By Zachary Klein Lawson Poklacki Del Castillo and Nicole Shara’s film, Saving Food to Save Lives, is a tight yet informative piece of documentary filmmaking. Following the tech startup known as Nilus, an app developer that helps reduce waste by sourcing uneaten food directly to underserved and famished areas, the film deftly explores the complexities of such an organization with language that is nuanced yet understandable to laymen...

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