全球搜索教育: Weston Sprott – 長號與弦樂的詩意和諧

全球搜索教育: Weston Sprott – 長號與弦樂的詩意和諧

本月星球課堂, the Bard College Conservatory of Music presents Lars-Erik Larsson’s Concertino for Trombone and String Orchestra, featuring renowned trombonist Weston Sprott.

全球搜索教育: 卡斯塔尼達 (Sergio Castaneda) 談《製作麥可 B》. 霍恩和 C.M. (凱茜) 魯賓

全球搜索教育: 卡斯塔尼達 (Sergio Castaneda) 談《製作麥可 B》. 霍恩和 C.M. (凱茜) 魯賓

這個月, 觀眾可以觀看《AI 讓世界更美好》: 讓您的職涯面向未來: 邁克爾乙. 霍恩談工作導航, 人工智慧與學習.

和諧的融合: 拉爾斯·埃里克·拉爾森: 為長號和弦樂團而作的協奏曲, 操作. 45

和諧的融合: 拉爾斯·埃里克·拉爾森: 為長號和弦樂團而作的協奏曲, 操作. 45

By Rhea Mursalin The Bard College Conservatory of Music’s performance of Lars-Erik Larsson’s Concertino for Trombone and String Orchestra, 操作. 45, featuring performer Weston Sprott, offers a mesmerizing immersion into the Swedish composer’s musical world. Introduced by fifth-year student Henry Shankweiler, the performance takes audiences on a journey combining Larsson’s poetic narration and music. What stands out is the...

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請, 我們需要更多: 西班牙電影評論請

由: Serena Wooten Directed by Patricia Seely, Please In Spanish is a short-film masterpiece that skillfully explores themes of cultural identity, connection, and the sacrifices often required to fit in. The story follows Diane, a Californian teenager, struggling to connect with her mother’s Dominican friends, who only speak Spanish, while Diane herself speaks only English. With help from her neighbor Ángel, Diane attempts to bridge...

5678 With a Chance of a Hurricane: A Real Rain Dance

5678 With a Chance of a Hurricane: A Real Rain Dance

By Alex Silverman Gunta Liepina Millere directs this unique silent dance film set in a train station during a hurricane. At the Santa Ana station, a group of girls stranded by the storm fill the space with captivating dances. The absence of music places the spotlight solely on the dancers’ expressive movements, creating a memorable visual experience. Millere’s direction and the performers’ commitment result in a mesmerizing blend of...
