Art Transformation in Healthcare: The Healing Power of Creativity

By Alex Silverman

Art Transformation in Healthcare is the latest entry in Planet Classroom’s Problem Solvers series. Directed by Jack DeWitt, with narration by Allena Hill, this short film guides viewers through the impactful role of art in healing spaces. It demonstrates how vibrant artwork revitalizes hospital settings, enhancing patient well-being. Featuring nature-inspired art and therapeutic sessions, the film emphasizes the tangible benefits and emotional comfort that art provides.

The film highlights innovators in this field, including the Cleveland Clinic’s Arts and Medicine Institute and Maggie’s Centers, a network of beautifully designed spaces offering emotional and practical support to cancer patients, helping them take a more active and informed role in their treatment.

It’s fascinating to see how much art can enliven a space, especially where it’s needed the most.

I give this film 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Alex is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a major in Comedic Writing & Performance and a minor in Writing for Television. Apart from his work as part of the Planet Classroom Network Film Selection team at CMRubinWorld, he is a sketch writer, and pursuing a career in acting in New York City.

Author: C. M. Rubin

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