

This documentary by director Rosie Robinson dives into the Brighton Beach Busking scene. 街頭表演, 或街頭表演, 在布萊頓海灘很受歡迎, 每天都吸引遊客和常客觀看獨特的表演.

兩個碼頭之間 examines how Beach Busking engages the local community, 為藝術家提供舞台, 以及社群媒體如何影響藝術家的表演, for better or for worse. Featuring performances from over ten different Beach Buskers, each with a unique sound and musical composition, Robinson’s film transports viewers from their homes to Brighton Beach using stunning cinematography and storytelling.

What I enjoyed most about the film was how Robinson not only captured the performers but also their interactions with beach-goers as they listened to the music. Many visitors dance, 影片, and donate to the performers, creating an intimate connection between listeners and artists that is unique to busking. I also appreciate how Robinson gave a spotlight to so many diverse musical styles and artists—it provided the perfect musical backdrop for her narrative.

總分: 5/5 星星

特蕾莎·馬圖扎克 (Teresa Matuzak) 是一名學生導演,進入德保羅大學 (DePaul University) 就讀二年級,獲得電影學士學位 & 電視. 不寫劇本或導演電影時, 人們可以發現她在玩《我的世界》並沉迷於舊電視節目.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
