和谐的融合: 拉尔斯·埃里克·拉尔森: 为长号和弦乐团而作的协奏曲, 操作. 45


The Bard College Conservatory of Music’s performance of Lars-Erik Larsson’s 为长号和弦乐团而作的协奏曲, 操作. 45, featuring performer Weston Sprott, offers a mesmerizing immersion into the Swedish composer’s musical world.

Introduced by fifth-year student Henry Shankweiler, the performance takes audiences on a journey combining Larsson’s poetic narration and music.

What stands out is the remarkable talent of Bard College’s students and their meticulous interplay of classical instruments. This unforgettable short film highlights Weston Sprott’s exceptional artistry and is a must-watch for music lovers of all ages

等级: 5/5 星星

Rhea Mursalin 是加州大学的应届毕业生, 圣地亚哥 (加州大学圣地亚哥分校), 她在那里获得了学士学位. 在通讯领域.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾



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