By Taylor Holden
Quinn Freidman’s A Boy’s Best Friend is a heartwarming short film set in the pandemic about a small boy named Billy. Billy is in quarantine and bored, y tratando de descubrir cómo divertirse. Mientras tanto, su perro intenta constantemente llamar su atención, pero Billy decide ignorar a su mascota.. It is not until Billy’s parents begin to argue and have problems that he realizes his dog is important. He ultimately turns to his dog for solace, comfort, and entertainment.
This short film does an amazing job at displaying a beautiful, widely known message: a dog’s unconditional love makes him a man’s best friend. The music selection for the soundtrack is strong and moving throughout the film. This allows the viewer to experience the emotion of the story in every scene.
This film successfully conveys how important it is to enjoy the tiny things in life. Le daría a esta película un 5 fuera de 5 estrellas.
Taylor Holden is a Communication Studies major at Texas A&M University with a focus in Strategic Communication and Journalism. She is a Communication Intern at CMRubinWorld with interests in social media management, press release distribution, outreach communications, and marketing.
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