2つの氷山の物語: エピソード 2: あなたがもっと欲しがる地球温暖化についてのかわいくて投資的な物語


In this animated series by Director Barbara Whiting, two icebergs, Glacia and Crystal, are in the midst of a long journey trying to find a new home and escape the threats of warming ocean waters, greedy corporations, and changing climates.

This is the second episode in the series. In this エピソード, Glacia and Crystal meet a group of walruses who help them to reach their destination. But soon they find themselves at risk from oil miners who plan to set off a large blast that will put them in danger. しかしながら, they ultimately reach their destination leaving us to wonder where the story will take them next.

This is a cute story and it has a lot of heart and humor, and it teaches young people about the dangers of climate change. My one comment is that it could have been animated a little more. The characters do not move a lot and their faces do not move either. A lot of the time it is just slow-moving images with their facial expressions rarely changing. Aside from that, this is very well done and I for one look forward to the next episode. 私はこの映画をあげます 4 の中から 5 出演者.

アレックスは、コメディライティングを専攻し、シカゴのコロンビアカレッジを最近卒業しました。 & テレビのためのライティングのパフォーマンスとマイナー. CMRubinWorld の Planet Classroom Network Film Selection チームの一員としての仕事とは別に, 彼はインターナショナルチルドレンズメディアセンターのスクリーニングパネリストインターンを務めました, スケッチライター, 第61回シカゴ/ミッドウェストエミー賞のオンセット制作アシスタント.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
