A Touching Tale of Pandemic Friendship: No New Friends


No New Friends is written, 指示された, and produced by Neha Gautam. The film’s two lead children star alongside their real-life mothers in this simple and sweet story about friendship.

In New York City at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a four-year-old boy struggles to make friends as he is stuck in the house all day. When he notices a girl around his age looking out from a window across the street, their imaginations run wild as they try to get to know each other while still in isolation. But one day, the little girl is no longer there, resulting in the boy struggling with what to do next. This film’s strength comes from its simplicity and imagination. It captures what many, if not all, of us were feeling when the pandemic began but was still able to simplify it through childlike innocence.

私はこの映画をあげます 3.5 の中から 5 出演者

アレックスはコロンビア大学シカゴ校を卒業し、コメディライティングを専攻しています。 & テレビのためのライティングのパフォーマンスとマイナー. CMRubinWorld の Planet Classroom Network Film Selection チームの一員としての仕事とは別に, 彼はスケッチライターです, そしてニューヨーク市で俳優としてのキャリアを追求する.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン



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