Um tremendo aplicativo de árvore para plantar árvores

By Teresa Matuzak

This succinct video, criado por Ailin Velázquez, apresenta aos espectadores o Treeapp, uma organização inovadora que usa seu aplicativo on-line e site para plantar árvores. Assistindo anúncios ou doando online, Usuários’ contribuições são utilizadas para plantar árvores - é tão fácil quanto, dois, árvore!

Velazquez eloquently describes how deforestation is threatening ecosystems across the globe and how Treeapp’s tree-planting system provides crucial support for local communities, such as agricultural workers who harvest nuts and fruits from trees. Through a guided tour of the Treeapp website, Velazquez successfully demonstrates how individuals and businesses alike can support Treeapp and contribute to their mission.

One of the video’s standout elements is its engaging visuals and clear, impactful audio. Velazquez effectively uses before-and-after images of deforested areas and newly planted forests to highlight Treeapp’s positive impact. Adicionalmente, the heartfelt testimonies from community members who benefit from these efforts add a personal and emotional layer to the narrative.

Despite its short runtime, Solving Climate Change One Tree at a Time is packed with useful information viewers can use to combat deforestation. Velazquez’s content is both informative and captivating. In future videos, incorporating more transitions and animations for on-screen facts could further enhance viewer engagement and retention.

Global, this video is a compelling call to action for anyone interested in environmental conservation. It effectively communicates Treeapp’s mission and the tangible difference it is making. For these reasons, I give this video 4 de 5 estrelas.

Teresa Matuzak is a student director entering her second year at DePaul University to earn her BFA in Film & Television. When not writing screenplays or directing films, she can be found playing Minecraft and bingeing old TV shows.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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