In Vietnam, Claire Imler presents us with a super intimate look at the culture of Vietnam. The country in Southeast Asia is documented beautifully. The imagery works overtime to make up for the lack of dialogue. Mixed with the sound of the piano, the imagery can say a thousand words. It’s impressive how much emotion can be evoked from just simply watching the Vietnamese culture.
The overall production quality of the film looks exceptional. The camera work is extremely simple, but also very effective. No shot feels out of place and everything just seems to make this 4 minute film seem like something bigger. The transitions from normal to slow motion help create a cinematic experience and elevate specific scenes, such as the many shots of people working, preparing meals, etc. These scenes juxtaposed with the close ups of the Vietnamese people create a feeling of inspiration.
It’s extremely impressive how Claire Imler was able to piece this project together. Her passion for filmmaking shines bright with this film.
I would personally give this film 5/5 stars.
Reilly Wisniewski is a recent graduate of Compass College of Film and Media. He is currently on his way to receive his Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts with an emphasis on Film Editing. He is a Film and Video editing intern at CMRubinWorld working on their Net Zero series.
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