在 越南, 克萊爾·伊姆勒(Claire Imler)向我們展示了越南文化的超近距離觀察. 東南亞國家有精美的記錄. 圖像加班以彌補對話的不足. 與鋼琴聲混合在一起, 圖像可以表達一千個單字. 光是觀看越南文化就可以喚起如此多的情感,令人印象深刻.
The overall production quality of the film looks exceptional. The camera work is extremely simple, but also very effective. No shot feels out of place and everything just seems to make this 4 minute film seem like something bigger. The transitions from normal to slow motion help create a cinematic experience and elevate specific scenes, such as the many shots of people working, preparing meals, 等. These scenes juxtaposed with the close ups of the Vietnamese people create a feeling of inspiration.
It’s extremely impressive how Claire Imler was able to piece this project together. Her passion for filmmaking shines bright with this film.
我個人會給這部電影 5/5 星星.
Reilly Wisniewski 是羅盤電影與媒體學院的應屆畢業生. 他目前正在攻讀美術學士學位,重點是電影剪輯. 他是 CMRubinWorld 的電影和視頻編輯實習生,致力於他們的淨零系列.