
By Jailene Kontz

ピカラ・ビナトナ, directed by Brianna Celestina, delves into the life of Jamal, who aims to break the stigma around bikes in Marrakech, Morocco.

His bike shop, ピカラ・ビナトナ, unites fellow bike enthusiasts to educate their community about bike repair and creativity, transforming bikes into sources of fun and fascination, not just utilitarian vehicles for the less fortunate.

The film beautifully captures various bike creations and the shop itself through captivating visuals. It maintains audience engagement even during extended narration segments. The film adeptly weaves together different individualsstories, preserving their uniqueness while highlighting their effective teamwork.

I wholeheartedly award this film 5 の中から 5 出演者.

ジェイリーン・コンツはコロラド大学コロラドスプリングス校を卒業したばかりです。, コミュニケーションの学士を優秀な成績で取得. 彼女は CMRubinWorld のインターンで、写真と執筆に興味があります。

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
