Cresce una rosa bianca

La Rosa Bianca is a short but powerful video written and directed by Ian Kim that tells the story about two students in Nazi occupied Germany who began a secret literary outlet inciting resistance against the government. Gli studenti hanno affisso volantini nel campus universitario, con la speranza che i tedeschi si ribellassero e resistessero alla tirannia del regime nazista.

Il video di Kim è estremamente creativo con le sue immagini, using paper cutouts and stop motion- like animation to help tell the story. It’s extremely well produced and a very engaging retelling of a forgotten piece of history. My favorite piece of imagery in the film is the white rose made from paper. I imagine that each of the petals on the flowers is one of the few leaflets that the White Rose writers posted around their campuses. I also love all the animations with the dirt combined with other animations. The b-roll mixes well with the animated sequences and adds to the grim tone of the video.

The context of the story itself is inspiring yet sad as well, especially when you learn the fate of the film’s main subjects. I think Ian did an outstanding job producing this film. The length is perfect and Kim manages to cover the whole story in under three minutes.

I would personally give this film 5/5 stelle.

Reilly Wisniewski is a recent graduate of Compass College of Film and Media. He is currently on his way to receive his Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts with an emphasis on Film Editing. È uno stagista di montaggio di film e video presso CMRubinWorld che lavora alla loro serie Net Zero

Autore: C. M. Rubin

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