

藝術的定義在不斷變化, 經常反映最新趨勢和全球評論. 伊曼紐爾·沃恩-李 導演, 無聲漸強 是一部探索藝術家的紀錄片,他的作品超越了普通媒介,講述了一個全新的故事. 雖然學茶畫畫不是他的計劃, 這位藝術家擁抱未知,並讓位於他的藝術和視角的變化。

在藝術家將一杯茶灑在一幅畫上之後, 他對新的創作可能性大開眼界. What seemed to be a meaningless accident changed his art forever. His process expanded to putting tea to paper and seeing where it flows. After it forms bold lines and guidepoints, he further defines them with pen and adds more detail and contour. Although unorthodox, his art has become a collaboration between him and the tea, rather than being dominated by paint and ink.

Like many artists, he was constantly searching for originality and innovative stories, 但, the tea in a sense became an artist itself with its own stories. 這位藝術家選擇將自己視為容器而不是控製藝術家. 他不再認為自己​​處於控制之中, 聲稱“原創性無關緊要,”他把權力交給了茶. His art has become stories of changing perspectives and hidden potential.

我會給 無聲漸強 4/5 星星.

Ali Grutchfield 是薩凡納藝術與設計學院的大三學生,攻讀電影和電視製作. 她花時間為學區製作視覺和書面內容, 學校的在線新聞平台, 擔任 SCAD 電影俱樂部主席, 製作和編輯學生電影, 讀玄幻小說, 和她的貓喝咖啡, 叮噹。

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
