Daud Nugraha 展示的 Aniwayang 動畫技術 “黃瓜村”

阿曼達·圖西洛 (Amanda Tuccillo)

短片 黃瓜村 (黃瓜村) by Daud Nugraha is a creative animation showcasing the power of family. Three mouse deer siblings live happily in Cucumber Village until a chicken flattens their brother’s ball. The sisters come to his aid to lift his spirits.

The film uses the traditional art of shadow puppetry, “aniwayangtechnique, and displays an incredible amount of effort and time invested in its production.

總體, I would rate the film 4 出 5 星星.

Amanda Tuccillo 是羅德島大學傳播與媒體研究專業的學生, 以及專注於社交媒體的公共關係. 她是 CMRubinWorld 的通信實習生,對寫作感興趣, 編輯, 和平面設計

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
