Around the World in 30 Napok – Szeptember 2019

C.M. Rubin Global Education jelentése

A 57 million children worldwide estimated to still be missing out on school, több, mint 40% are thought to be disabled. Minden fiatalok joga van tanulni együtt, tekintet nélkül a fogyatékkal élő, illetve a különbségek, hogy lehet. Bár történt előrelépés elérésére ezen a globális cél az elmúlt 25 év, még mindig van tennivaló. Professor Mel Ainscow is Emeritus Professor of Education, University of Manchester, and was a keynote at UNESCO’s recent International Forum on Inclusion and Equity in Education. The event commemorated the 25th anniversary of the World Conference on Special Needs Education that led to the UNESCO Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education, arguably the most significant international document that has ever appeared in the field of special education. Mel csatlakozott hozzánk A Global Search for Education this month to reflect on what has happened over that 25-year period and what lessons can be learned from his experiences in different parts of the world.

Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Az Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) is a workforce development and college readiness program for high schools that have a high population of low-income families. Leah O'Reilly, Director of the year-round program states students from these communities lack knowledge of their options after high school, such as the college application process or the job opportunities available, primarily because school staff in their communities are overloaded. Továbbá, the resources to help low-income students on an individual basis do not exist. A Global Search for Education üdvözölte Leah O'Reilly to learn more about ELP’s important work.

Ülő tanítás és hallgatási nem csak veszíteni a diákok érdeklődését, könnyen, hanem megakadályozzák a diákok kreativitásának, homogenizáló tanulók individualitások szeleteket egy öntőformába. How do we create new models of learning that can engage all students? Mint például, how might theater and dance enhance science? GŐZ (STEM+Art) education incorporates the arts into the curriculum, enabling students to “move around” both physically and academically, and actualize their individual potentials. Timothy Weinstein is a STEAM teacher at Turner Intermediate School (Wilkinsburg Borough School District, Pennsylvania), who focuses on integrating arts into the STEAM Classroom. Timothy’s story began a few summers ago when he took part in an arts integration workshop. During the program, a theater workshop focused on teaching kids the value of empathy; he realized that he could expand the strategy to other subjects, even the STEM subjects. Ma, Weinstein’s innovative program uses “6 Habits of the Mind” as a framework to support the curriculum. A Global Search for Education üdvözölte Timothy Weinstein to learn more about about his unique and interdisciplinary approach to learning.

Technology has allowed education to become a global tool more than ever before. A gerincét az oktatás, tanárok, az élvonalban, combining great teaching, tech and pedagogy to create innovative learning opportunities for students. A Top Global Tanárok published byA Global Search for Education are some of the pioneers leading the way with new learning programs and instruction whose influence spans across every continent. Ebben a hónapban, mi Legjobb globális tanárok shared their educational tips for mindful, sikeres, and sustainable learning on video.

Thank you to our over 800 globális közreműködők, tanárok, vállalkozók,kutatók, üzleti vezetők, diákok és szellemi vezetők minden domaint megosztja perspektívák a jövőben a tanulás A Global Search for Education each month.

C. M. Rubin (Cathy) az alapító CMRubinWorld, egy online kiadása társaság középpontjában a jövőben a globális tanulás és a társ-alapítója Planet Classroom. Három legkelendőbb könyv és két széles körben olvasható online sorozat szerzője. Rubin kapott 3 Upton Sinclair Awards for “The Global Search for Education.” The series, amely támogatja a fiatalok, indult 2010 és összehozza előkelő szellemi vezetők a világ minden tájáról, hogy vizsgálja meg a legfontosabb az oktatás problémáira nemzetek.

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