By Veronique Manfredini
Felemelkedés is a short film by Eshaan Mani that follows the journey of Sanjna Pandit, középiskolás diák és Bharatanatyam táncos, miközben az Arangetram előadására készül, a debütáló három órás előadás a Bharatanatyam táncformában. Ez a szenvedély története, ellenálló képesség, és adja meg magát, ahol Sanjina a hagyományokhoz való tartozás megtalálásáról beszél, a kultúráját, és a családja.
This short film was interesting and compelling, comprising of photos and videos of Sanjina and her family talking about the process of her preparation to her Arangetram. Accompanied by traditional music, this film is a pleasant lesson on ancient Indian dance traditions that live through the new generations. Not only does the viewer learn something about the protagonist, but they learn some invaluable information on the culture the dance comes from, making it a balanced film.I give this film 5 kívül 5 csillagok
Veronique is a graduate of Columbia University’s School of General Studies with a Bachelor’s in writing, and received associate degrees in English and Business Administration with High Honors. Her debut flash-fiction piece, “Holy Ransom Demands!,” was published in the Mood Reader Anthology by Hale Patton Publishing in February 2022.
She is passionate about writing and aims to have a career as a college professor, szerző, and developmental editor.
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