

“就在我们到达乌呼鲁峰乞力马扎罗山, 我的大脑被冲击得厉害,感觉就好像要爆炸,通过我的耳朵. 我开始吐黑呕吐,同时腹泻. 我身体一团糟. 我知道我是接近目标,虽然. 我知道我必须积极思考. 我知道我能不能再呆在那里, 我会到达山顶。” — 杰西·福瑞博

态度更令人印象深刻对我来说比钱, 证书, 出现, or even talent. Attitude is something that lives deep within us. When life throws all kinds of curve balls at us, 我相信 90% 的结果,是因为有我们如何应对.

当我的美丽, 小型, 22 岁侄女, learning assistant Jesse Freeborn, Facebook上面分享我,问我是否愿意赞助她爬上乞力马扎罗山, I inhaled deeply. Like most people, I’d read the stories about Kili. I’d also spent time doing relief work in Tanzania. I understood why the Masai call this perilous peak which stands 19,341 英尺高的天空非洲 (最大的独立山峰的世界) “神的殿。” World famous celebrities had taken the challenge before Jesse to raise awareness for worthy causes. Like most people, 我也知道名人的人的故事, 尽管广泛的培训, 规划和强有力的支持未能登顶, including billionaire soccer club owner Roman Abramovich and tennis superstar Martina Navratilova. “你为什么要这么做?” 我问杰西.

“我想爬的原因有两个。” 她回答. “我想告诉我的学生, 通过我自己的例子, the importance of having a positive mental attitude when facing what seems like impossible challenges in life. I also want to teach them the importance of appreciating the things we all take for granted. I’ve discovered and connected with Childreach International, 儿童慈善机构有清晰的愿景. 我最好的朋友, 克里斯Capell, 将成为球队的领导者Childreach, 我感到安全,他会指导我上山的知识。”

该Childreach国际组织, 这在英国和美国的办事处, 与发展中国家的当地社区的合作伙伴,以改善儿童获得医疗和教育, and to restore child rights. Children are empowered to create positive change in their lives through sustainable community based solutions.

杰西签署了Childreach国际的攀登乞力马扎罗山的远征, 一项倡议,其中Childreach坚信将帮助教育年轻一代所面临的发展中世界的社会问题,使他们能够积极努力有所作为. 如何努力可能这个挑战是, 右?

Altitude sickness is still not fully understood. What is known is that it is hard to predict who will be susceptible to its effects when ascending Kilimanjaro. If we assume a healthy person’s normal blood oxygen reading is in the high 90’s, near the top of Kili it is not uncommon for oxygen readings to be in the mid 70’s. There are known to be three main forms of altitude sickness. The first is called AMS or Acute Mountain Sickness (没有足够的氧气为你的身体正常), and this is fairly common when climbing Kilimanjaro. 第二个, 高原肺水肿 (高原肺水肿), 是一种潜在的致命疾病,其中肺动脉发育过大的压力响应于低氧, resulting in overflow of fluid into your lungs. The third, AGO, is again a potentially fatal form of AMS where the brain actually swells and stops functioning in a normal way. While HAPE and HACE are potentially fatal, they are rare in a well planned climb. Then there are other run of the mill symptoms (认为是正常的,并没有相关的高原反应) you need to prepare for. 例如, 失眠, 尿频, 是出了一口气,或者呼吸增快, 和停止呼吸长达 15 秒钟,然后突然呼吸非常快,以弥补它.

杰西训练 6 前几个月之旅. 这涉及早起足够的行走 2 hours to work every day. After work she would run all the way home. 此外, 她带着旋转会结合重量会在她的当地健身房. 她还发现高温瑜伽这与她的呼吸,并帮助改善她的耐力.

当他们抵达坦桑尼亚,开始了攀登乞力马扎罗山之前,, Jesse and her group from Childreach International spent time getting to know and bond with the children they had come to help. 他们居然能够在他们的学校参观那里看钱 (约 $180,000) 她和她的团队提出了对正在使用Childreach即. classrooms and new water system. “The children I met in Africa had tremendous respect for their elders. It was so inspiring,” said Jesse. “他们欣喜若狂,在气泡的视野,我们带来了我们简单的气球. 我们看到我们的简单的礼物很可能是他们今年的亮点. 那么你想想孩子回家谁是当他们无法拥有最新的ipad失望。”

她不停杂志的每个阶段 5 天远征 , 其中包括新发现的朋友的好经验,以及对长期下降厕所的恐怖, 最小的清洗设施, 极端温度, 完整的身体疲惫, and other altitude related symptoms experienced by her team as they forged their seemingly endless trek up the mountain. “你周围的人传递出和夏尔巴人都不得不让他们回头,整个一路上扬. 每当你坐在一块岩石上你的眼睛紧闭,你必须强迫自己不要传递出,” explains Jesse. 我问杰西来形容我,她是如何成功地完成了最后, 她的旅程中最困难的阶段,.

“夏尔巴人有我和我的朋友的手臂,” 她解释. “我们继续洗牌以不可思议的速度缓慢, although the thought of being asked to move any faster made me want to cry. The two things that inspired me to ultimately reach the summit were my music and the stunningly beautiful sunrise that was occurring in front of me as we approached the peak. I remember feeling emotionally stronger than I ever have in my life. That feeling enabled me to push myself beyond my limit. If you keep a positive attitude in a situation like this one, 你真的可以实现任何你所要做的。”

杰西·福瑞博 – 您的姓名和 “你特别的歌” 建议 — “现在,你是自由的!” 有关Childreach国际或了解更多信息 使 捐赠

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作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
