Ali Grutchfield 在剛果文化中, being born a woman is a sin that is only exacerbated by deafness or other disabilities. Throughout their lives, women face constant oppression and abuse that they have no choice but to live with. Inner Me is a short human rights documentary, directed by Antonio Spanò, that explores the lives and stories of 4 deaf women living in the Republic of Congo. This is an existence most people...
調整學生的思維: 以意識為中心的富有想像力和創新的課程, 創造力和身份
亞歷克斯·西爾弗曼(Alex Silverman) 在這部 26 分鐘的紀錄片中,導演切爾西里奇, a teacher offers a first-of-its-kind course that brings out the creativity, 想像力, and inner potential of her students. Molly Beauregard is a teacher at the College of Creative Studies in Detroit, 密歇根州. It is here where she teaches this new radical course on consciousness and creative bliss enabling her students to expand their minds and life...
作者:Ali Grutchfield 藝術的定義在不斷變化, 經常反映最新趨勢和全球評論. 伊曼紐爾·沃恩-李 導演, Silent Crescendo 是一部探索藝術家的紀錄片,他的作品超越了普通媒介,講述了一個全新的故事. 雖然學茶畫畫不是他的計劃, this artist embraced the unknown and gave way to changes in both his art and perspective. After...
作者:Rishi Mulloth 兒子和父親之間的紐帶總是令人心曠神怡, 並保證能觸動心弦. 動畫短片, 預熱, 在一個關於一位失敗的科學家的父親的有趣故事中完美地展示了這一點, 和一個只想在生日那天看到父親微笑的兒子. 兒子看著他的父親不知疲倦地努力讓他的實驗成功, so the boy decides to bake his dad a birthday...
By Ethan Thomas We are all aware of the unfortunate reality of pollution that is generated worldwide. 雖然我們可能意識到污染對環境的影響, 其影響範圍超出人們的想像. Toxic Pollution explores these ideas, 顯示它如何傳播以及如何對動物和人類的健康產生負面影響. Toxic Pollution was curated for Planet Classroom Network by Ryan Wong Classroom. 該...