Uma jovem faz uma defesa convincente da proteção da natureza
By Julian Cao Directed by Adam Tyler, Kids Who Save the World: Clean Air, is a three-minute documentary film that follows and interviews Arya, a little girl who frequently explores Epping Forest in England. Clips of Arya traversing Epping Forest embody the exquisite beauty, vibrancy, and delicacy of the forest and of nature as a whole. Quite notably, the crispness of the cinematography does a masterful job of capturing the serene...
Koga e amigos: Centros de abrigo sobre como usar a respiração e o kung fu para superar o medo
By Ethan Thomas Koga and Friends creators David Friedman and Philip Kholos are back with a new adventure of the boy Koga. Koga is a young yoga and kung fu master, always curious and always learning about the world around him. The topics of getting stitches after being injured and rescuing harmed animals can be intimidating for kids, but Koga and Friends: Shelter provides a safe and entertaining platform to be introduced to them. This...
A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Human Race ISM olha para o racismo no futuro
O Downriver-Detroit Student Film Consortium é oferecido a Detroit & Estudantes do ensino médio da região do rio abaixo interessados em cinema.
A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Couro de Matt Streeter! Trata-se de aprender a superar obstáculos
I always liked the premise of the 1990 blockbuster feature film Home Alone – an eight year troublemaker must protect his house from a couple of burglars when he is accidentally left alone by his family during Christmas vacation.
A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Clothed Minds se concentra nos efeitos que as políticas do código de vestimenta escolar têm sobre as meninas negras.
Director/Producer Carletta S. Hurt is a filmmaker and educator with an extensive background in the D.C. public and charter school system.
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