By Berenice Manzano When I think about my days in the U.S Public school system, one of the most unpleasant experiences I had was the quality of the food given to us. 米国では、, food quality is not a major priority despite the fact that many processed foods are served to young children as their bodies are developing. Why isn’t this enough to raise concerns in our nation? It is through Lynne Cherry’s film, Longing for a Local...
ベレニス・マンツァーノ著 物質主義的な文化の中で子供たちに両親への感謝の気持ちを教えるには、さらに注意が必要です. フィルムには, バダ・アドミ (偉大な人), クリストファー・スコット・カーペンター監督, 私たちはアンシュという名前の若い女の子の学校での一日を追いかけます, 特に, 彼女の教室で行われている幸福プログラムに参加している. アンシュは共感の大切さや周りのみんなと優しさを分かち合うことの大切さを学んでいます。.
By Ishana Sen Das Directed by Lucca Vieira, パークランド: Stories from the Survivors, is a short documentary centering around a high school shooting in Parkland, Florida on Valentine’s Day 2018. One year after the fatal shooting at their high school, the film shares the perspectives of five Stoneman Douglas High School students who witnessed or were affected by the shooting. They talk about the experience itself, as well as...
By Ishana Sen Das I Don’t Need a Husband Yet (XTalks.OrgによってPlanetClassroomのためにキュレーションされました) 15歳のレイチェルによるプレゼンテーションを文書化, 10代の若い女の子と結婚することの不正について情熱的に話す人. レイチェルの聴衆は主にマラウイの学校のティーンエイジャーで構成されているため, 彼女は、彼らが結婚することを想像している年齢を尋ねると、直接彼らに話しかけます. She continues to explain that many...
By Ethan Thomas This is the question asked by Return to Sender, a short film centered around Moira, a clerk who works in the cosmic mailroom and mistakenly sends the meaning of life to Earth ahead of schedule. She must then choose between helping the person it was sent to or helping the universe restore order. Return to Sender offers a clever and fun story that will keep you guessing until the end. Directed by Malibu Taetz, Return to...