Regisseur Joe Chang verwendet eine einzigartige Animationstechnik, um die Schönheit der Vögel zu veranschaulichen

Regisseur Joe Chang verwendet eine einzigartige Animationstechnik, um die Schönheit der Vögel zu veranschaulichen

By Rishi Mulloth What is it about the nature of birds in nature that evokes this sense of peace and serenity? Vielleicht ist es der rhythmische Fluss ihrer Anrufe, oder das anmutige Flattern ihrer Flügel, oder vielleicht ist es die fest verdrahtete Verbindung zwischen Mensch und Natur. Was auch immer der Fall ist, Joe Changs (kuratiert für Planet Classroom von KidsFirst!) animierter Kurzfilm, “The Birds”, artistically displays this innate beauty within the...

Regisseurin Gwendolyn Hamilton untersucht die sozialen Auswirkungen von Fahrrädern

Regisseurin Gwendolyn Hamilton untersucht die sozialen Auswirkungen von Fahrrädern

By Rishi Mulloth “It’s often times a beautiful thing overcoming the difficulties along the way, and making your way up to the top.” This is the inspiring message from Baker Nicholaou while discussing his nonprofit enterprise Bicimaximo, a bike repair shop in Granada, Nicaragua which is the subject of the film, Zweite Zyklen, directed by Gwendolyn Hamilton (curated for Planet Classroom by SIMA Classroom). In diesem Film, audiences get an...

Jugendaktivistin aus Malawi spricht sich gegen die Heirat von Mädchen im Teenageralter aus

Jugendaktivistin aus Malawi spricht sich gegen die Heirat von Mädchen im Teenageralter aus

By Ishana Sen Das I Don’t Need a Husband Yet (curated for Planet Classroom by XTalks.Org) documents a presentation given by 15-year-old Rachel, who speaks passionately about the injustice of marrying young girls in their teens. As Rachel’s audience mainly consists of teenagers in her Malawi school, she addresses them directly when she asks them at what age they imagine themselves getting married. She continues to explain that many...

Was würde passieren, wenn der Sinn des Lebens zu früh auf die Erde geschickt würde??

Was würde passieren, wenn der Sinn des Lebens zu früh auf die Erde geschickt würde??

By Ethan Thomas This is the question asked by Return to Sender, a short film centered around Moira, a clerk who works in the cosmic mailroom and mistakenly sends the meaning of life to Earth ahead of schedule. She must then choose between helping the person it was sent to or helping the universe restore order. Return to Sender offers a clever and fun story that will keep you guessing until the end. Directed by Malibu Taetz, Return to...

Bard Alumna Yixin Wang vom US-China Music Institute des Bard College führt Eternal Sorrow of Lin’an auf dem Guzheng . auf.

Bard Alumna Yixin Wang vom US-China Music Institute des Bard College führt Eternal Sorrow of Lin’an auf dem Guzheng . auf.

By Ishana Sen Das Eternal Sorrow of Lin’an brings the viewer into Yixin Wang’s home, where she performs the song, Eternal Sorrow, on the guzhenga traditional Chinese musical instrument. Yixin Wang is an alumna from Bard College’s US-China Music Institute. The program supports musical exchange between the United States and China and promotes the study, performance and appreciation of Chinese contemporary music. The...
