Im erzwungenen, Regisseur Pep Bonet erfasst die Komplexität von Kinderarbeit und Ausbeutung in Bangladesch.
By WIll Hite Shoes, Ziegel, Schokolade. These are just a few examples of commodities used by consumers in Western civilizations. While these products are marketed by American and European corporations more often than not, they are manufactured by the tiny hands of children. The observational documentary, Forced, directed by Pep Bonet, covers this topic in a provocative but also open-minded approach. Sound designer José Bautista...
Lynching in America Director konzentriert sich auf die Anerkennung und Auseinandersetzung mit unserer Geschichte
By Jovan Brooks Just over 100 vor Jahren, on October 21st, 1916, a prosperous African-American entrepreneur and farmer named Anthony Crawford was shot 200 times and lynched for three days upon refusing to sell cotton seed for an unfair price to a white buyer. Crawford was one of the richest black men in Abbeville, South Carolina, and was horrifically murdered for taking a stand. Directed by Juan Mejia Botero, Lynching in America...
Hong Ejuns Mutter rührt die Seele
Von Julian Cao Regie Hong Ejun, Mother ist ein fesselnder animierter Kurzfilm, der voller leuchtender Farben ist und von einem süßen untermauert wird, melancholische Melodie mit Glockenspiel. Die überwiegende Mehrheit des Films basiert auf einer ständig tickenden Uhr, auf dem ein älterer Mann im Rollstuhl bestimmte Erinnerungen aus seinem Leben Revue passieren lässt: Als er ein kleiner Junge war, der Tod seiner Mutter hat ihn verlassen: He grew up and reached pivotal milestones in...
Vergrabener Schatz und kein Spaten konzentriert sich auf die Notwendigkeit eines verantwortungsvollen Umgangs mit Öl in Malawi.
By Julian Cao Buried Treasure and No Spade is a two-minute documentary film centering on 17-year-old student Blessings. In this video presentation, Blessings speaks to his peers about the issue of oil management in their country, Malawi. Blessings concludes his speech on the profound note that they, the youth, should be allowed to decide on what to do with the oil, as they are the country’s future. Given the serious subject of...
Schüler der Mittelstufe führen ein Energieaudit durch, um die CO2-Emissionen zu bekämpfen
By Jovan Brooks “At a certain point, we couldn’t stop thinking: is there anything we can do?" – Nicole Martinez Upon learning during their sixth grade year that Miami will have the greatest economic loss due to climate change out of all coastal cities globally, Maddi, Larissa, Nicole, and Melissa all made an effort to be the change they wish to see in the world. Directed by Lynne Cherry (Junge Stimmen für den Planeten),...
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