在強迫, 導演 Pep Bonet 捕捉孟加拉國童工和剝削的複雜性.
By WIll Hite 鞋子, 磚塊, 巧克力. These are just a few examples of commodities used by consumers in Western civilizations. While these products are marketed by American and European corporations more often than not, they are manufactured by the tiny hands of children. The observational documentary, Forced, directed by Pep Bonet, covers this topic in a provocative but also open-minded approach. Sound designer José Bautista...
作者:Jovan Brooks 剛剛結束 100 幾年前, 10 月 21 日, 1916, 一位名叫安東尼克勞福德的繁榮的非洲裔美國企業家和農民被槍殺 200 次,並因拒絕以不公平的價格向白人買家出售棉籽而被私刑三天. 克勞福德是阿布維爾最富有的黑人之一, 南卡羅來納州, and was horrifically murdered for taking a stand. Directed by Juan Mejia Botero, Lynching in America...
洪厄君導演曹智霖, 母親是一部引人入勝的動畫短片,色彩鮮豔,並以甜美的, 夾雜著鐘聲的憂鬱旋律. 影片的大部分內容都基於一個不斷走動的時鐘, 一位坐在輪椅上的老人重溫了他一生的某些記憶: 當他還是個小男孩時, 他母親的死讓他失去了知覺: He grew up and reached pivotal milestones in...
Buried Treasure and No Spade 專注於在馬拉維負責任地處理石油的必要性.
By Julian Cao Buried Treasure and No Spade is a two-minute documentary film centering on 17-year-old student Blessings. In this video presentation, Blessings speaks to his peers about the issue of oil management in their country, 馬拉維. Blessings concludes his speech on the profound note that they, the youth, should be allowed to decide on what to do with the oil, as they are the country’s future. Given the serious subject of...
作者:Jovan Brooks “在某個時刻, 我們無法停止思考: is there anything we can do?” – Nicole Martinez Upon learning during their sixth grade year that Miami will have the greatest economic loss due to climate change out of all coastal cities globally, Maddi, Larissa, Nicole, and Melissa all made an effort to be the change they wish to see in the world. Directed by Lynne Cherry (星球的年輕聲音),...