大自然在呼喚, 那麼誰來接電話?
由: Alexandra Yun 大自然需要你, 現在在Planet Classroom Network YouTube頻道上放映, is a nine-minute short film that shares the story of people in different communities coming together with one goal in mind: taking care of the planet. As we learn from the film’s trailer, the Australian lifestyle is dependent on access to land, 乾淨的水, and healthy food. The story centers around 5 local leaders across Australia...
全球搜索教育: 瑞埃爾·羅傑斯(Reuel Rogers)說您也可以成為英雄
本月在Planet Classroom Network YouTube頻道上, 觀眾會驚嘆於《英雄》中舞者的藝術性. 準備與這位庫拉索島(Curacao)的藝術家一起在野外跳舞,這位藝術家一炮而紅.
What did students do after school to address the issues of intimidation and peer pressure towards adult smokers? Evil Nicotine is a short film that shows young people standing up to the dangers of second-hand smoke. 根據CDC, there were about 7 百萬 (或 25%) of middle and high school students exposed to secondhand smoke in 2019. There were over 6 百萬 (或約 23%) of children reported to have gotten secondhand...
全球搜索教育: 導演伊曼紐爾·沃恩·李(Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee)談我們為什麼需要沉默
這個月的觀眾可以在Planet Classroom Network YouTube頻道上放映《沉默的聖所》. VR / 360影片帶觀眾與聲學生態學家Gordon Hempton身臨其境的旅程,進入華盛頓州的Hoh雨林. 漢普頓敘述了他的工作 35 捕獲森林之聲的幾年被認為是生態最多樣化的環境之一,也被認為是北美最安靜的地方之一. 漢普頓(Hempton)認為,這片安靜的森林正受到噪音污染的影響,並且有滅絕的危險.
全球搜索教育: 多蘿西·艾倫·皮卡德(Dorothy Allen-Pickard)的電影探索了雙相情感障礙生活中的挑戰和應對機制
本月在Planet Classroom Network YouTube頻道上, 觀眾可以放映The Mess, 一部引人入勝的紀錄片,揭露了躁鬱症患者在日常生活中必鬚麵對和克服的障礙.