教育のためのグローバル検索: 気候活動家チェリー・ソン氏がマリネル・ウバルド氏にインタビュー

教育のためのグローバル検索: 気候活動家チェリー・ソン氏がマリネル・ウバルド氏にインタビュー

今月, 視聴者はマリネル・ウバルドとの Net Zero Speaks をストリーミングできます, 高く評価されている Net Zero ビデオ シリーズの最新作.

Oneka Technologies で世界的な水不足に取り組む

Oneka Technologies で世界的な水不足に取り組む

by Jack DeWitt The short film, 持続可能な解決策 – 水不足, directed by Bradley Ross with a voice over by Nicole Shara addresses the rising global challenge of access to clean drinking water. Oneka Technologies presents an innovative solution to the problem with their award-winning, ゼロエミッション水ブイ. この移動式淡水化機は、海水と波のエネルギーを利用して、最大で 50,000 liters of fresh water...

パンデミックの友情を描いた感動的な物語: 新しい友達はいません

パンデミックの友情を描いた感動的な物語: 新しい友達はいません

By Alex Silverman No New Friends is written, 指示された, and produced by Neha Gautam. The film’s two lead children star alongside their real-life mothers in this simple and sweet story about friendship. In New York City at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a four-year-old boy struggles to make friends as he is stuck in the house all day. When he notices a girl around his age looking out from a window across the street, their...

中国の先駆者: オーストラリアのレジリエンスとコミュニティに関する魅力的な物語

中国の先駆者: オーストラリアのレジリエンスとコミュニティに関する魅力的な物語

by Jack DeWitt In the story Chinese Pioneers directed by Ying Chu, the audience learns about the first Chinese pioneers in Australia. After the early 1900s, assimilation of the Chinese into the broader Australian culture became increasingly difficult due to xenophobia and racism. To combat these prejudices, an association called the “中華協会” was formed and later recognized by the supreme court of the...

人生を変える: キパワはタンザニアの若者のエンパワーメントを紹介

人生を変える: キパワはタンザニアの若者のエンパワーメントを紹介

By Nikita Harris Kipawa is an inspiring film directed by Elizabeth Hansen that documents TYLEV—Tanzania Young Leaders Empowering Vijana. The organization is working to improve the lives of young men and women in Tanzanian society. The film also showcases one of the mentors, Isiaka, a young man who has persevered through grief and loss by being involved in TYLEV. The film reveals the transformative power TYLEV has in the lives of the...
