教育のためのグローバル検索: マスタリングタイム: エリン・ジムラが語るサスペンスの作り方と締め切りへの取り組みについて
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教育のためのグローバル検索: ニコラス・オラバリオ、ニック・ボストロムをゲストに迎えた『AI For A Better World』の初回エピソードの制作を振り返る
今月, 視聴者はニック・ボストロムが描く AI の未来をストリーミングできます, Planet Classroom の新シリーズの最初のエピソード – より良い世界のための AI.
平和のこだま: ガザ紛争のさなかの解決を求める
By Emily Brooks Echoes of Peace: A Journey Through the Arab-Israeli Conflict is an impactful and emotional film by Hunter Harrell that traverses the history of the Middle East through quotes. The sheer number of calls for peace, and those calling for it, paints a vivid picture of how long this conflict has persisted. I was deeply affected after watching this short film. Given the topic’s relevance and my own interest, I was...
クロードの憲法: 安全な AI への新しいアプローチ
バイ: Alex SIlverman Anthropic: What Do You Know About Claude’s Constitution? is produced by Ailin Velazquez with narration by Gabrielle Scott for Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver series. In the rapidly evolving field of AI, one company stands out for doing things differently. Anthropic, an AI safety and research company, has created a “constitution” for its AI, “Claude,” to follow. This AI will have...