徹底改變廢棄物管理: 灰鸚鵡的故事

徹底改變廢棄物管理: 灰鸚鵡的故事

由: Alex Silverman Producer Chloe Williams presents Turning Waste Into InnovationThe Greyparrot Revolution, a special look into one company’s mission to turn waste into energy. Founded in 2019 by Mikela Druckman, Nikola Sivaki, and Ambarish Mitra, Greyparrot aims to reduce waste. They’ve implemented AI technology into 70% of European recycling centers and combat waste from single-use vapes. With funding from...

A Cleaner and Greener Future in Constant Dripping Hollows Out The Stone

A Cleaner and Greener Future in Constant Dripping Hollows Out The Stone

By Rhea Mursalin Constant Dripping Hollows Out The Stone, directed by Johanna Mägin, is a powerful and highly relevant documentary that delves into the heart of Vietnam’s battle against plastic pollution and waste. Through Mägin’s storytelling and compelling narrative, the film brings to light the stories of individuals who have taken it upon themselves to make a difference in their communities for the benefit of their...

您今天的碳足跡是多少? 讓我們追蹤我們的排放量

您今天的碳足跡是多少? 讓我們追蹤我們的排放量

By Emily Brooks In the informative film, 您今天的碳足跡是多少? by Sydney Chandler and Shari Porter, climate change and carbon footprints are put under the microscope, and potential solutions are explored. We learn about the impacts individuals and companies are making, and how to potentially track and offset our emissions. While watching this film, I gained valuable insights. Though I understood the concept of a carbon...

讓陽光進來: 評估太陽能窗

讓陽光進來: 評估太陽能窗

By Jack DeWitt In the short film, What Could Be Hotter Than Solar Windows? by Kennedy Mallory, viewers learn about the differences between solar and regular windows, and how solar windows could address the renewable energy crisis. Mallory discusses their installation on skyscrapers and in cities, highlighting companies involved in the technology. Pros and cons are presented, with pros outweighing cons. 等級: 3.75/5. The topic...

全球搜索教育: 探索尼泊爾的性別平等: 與導演比爾諾爾斯的對話

全球搜索教育: 探索尼泊爾的性別平等: 與導演比爾諾爾斯的對話

這個月, 觀眾可以在星球課堂網路上放映《希望之線》.
