全球搜索教育: 國際知名單簧管演奏家 David Krakauer 與巴德音樂學院管弦樂團分享 Der Heyser Bulgar 的旅程
這個月, 觀眾可以在星球課堂網路上放映《Der Heyser Bulgar With Bard Conservatory Orchestra》.
全球搜索教育: 氣候活動家亞歷杭德拉·弗拉戈薩採訪卡洛斯·愛德華多·馬克斯
這個月, audiences can stream Net Zero Speaks with Carlos Eduardo Marques, 廣受好評的淨零影片系列的最新補充.
By Emily Brooks Mark Keifer’s Time Bomb explores humanity’s response to climate change through a group of men attempting to defuse a bomb. Their casual approach to finding solutions, reluctance to use costly resources, and frustrating encounters with customer service create an entertaining yet exasperating experience. My eyes remained fixed on the screen as I wondered whether these maintenance workers would halt the bomb. Their...