传统的脉络: 传统受到攻击
亚历克斯·西尔弗曼 (Alex Silverman) 执导《传统之线》, 生成, 编辑, 书面, and cinematographed by Eshaan Mani. In the village of Darasuram in South India, a tradition held by the locals for over 1000 years is on the line. This short documentary follows the Arivu family, residing near the world-famous Airavatesvara Temple. For generations, they’ve worked as handloom weavers, creating and selling saris, a traditional women’s...
作者:Rhea Mursalin 走进超级英雄的世界, 恶棍, 挑战, and perseverance in the short film Andy & 卡利俄佩, directed by Catriona Rubenis-Stevens. 安迪 & Kaliope is an inspiring and emotional short film that follows a young, disabled boy’s quest to find a place where he can feel at home. As he struggles with the reality of being between foster home placements, young Andy seeks comfort in his love of superheroes...
由: 亚历克斯西尔弗曼将人工智能取代人类翻译? 由萨布丽娜·史密斯制片, 星球课堂的问题解决者系列. 随着人工智能越来越成为我们日常生活的一部分, 这篇短片分析了人工智能在语言翻译中的利弊, 甚至提出人工智能彻底取代人工翻译的想法. 萨布丽娜·史密斯很好地阐述了她的论点; the pros are that AI has made significant progress and has...
万德动力: 电影制作的新领域
由: Alex Silverman Wonder Dynamics: 电影革命, 科尔顿·劳制作,杰里·卡马乔解说, 是星球课堂问题解决者系列的一部分. 这部短片介绍了 Wonder Dynamics, 突破性的技术. 它将演员的表演从单机镜头转变成CG角色, 自动化动画, 灯光, 和组成. The system tracks the actor’s performance in scenes and...
保护生物多样性: 我们如何才能有所作为?
由: 艾琳·委拉斯开兹保护生物多样性: 我们如何才能有所作为, produced by Adelina Hill, is a thought-provoking short film that delves into the heart of environmental struggles and the power of change. This powerful piece not only illuminates the issues, but also equips viewers with actionable steps for everyday impact. From sustainable swaps to powerful advocacy, the film unveils a spectrum of solutions...