Der Heyser Bulgar 的迷人声音
作者:Rhea Mursalin Der Heyser Bulgar, 由巴德音乐学院管弦乐团演奏, highlights a transformative night filled with the enchanting sounds of clarinet player David Krakauer and the accompanying talents of the Bard Conservatory Orchestra. Krakauer, 被广泛认为是世界上最优秀的单簧管演奏家之一, does an excellent job of holding the attention of the audience as he delivers a remarkable rendition...
和谐咖啡: 通过咖啡和价值观培育社区
由: 艾林·委拉斯开兹 导演:Aria Zapata, Café Armonía offers a glimpse into its community-driven ethos. Established in September 2014 in Xela, 危地马拉, it’s a coffee haven initiated by local associations—Manos Campesinas and ASOBAGRI—marking their debut in directly selling freshly brewed Organic, Fair Trade coffee. This authentic film illuminates Café Armonía’s impact on the community, 家庭, 和...
由: 亚历克斯西尔弗曼将人工智能取代人类翻译? 由萨布丽娜·史密斯制片, 星球课堂的问题解决者系列. 随着人工智能越来越成为我们日常生活的一部分, 这篇短片分析了人工智能在语言翻译中的利弊, 甚至提出人工智能彻底取代人工翻译的想法. 萨布丽娜·史密斯很好地阐述了她的论点; the pros are that AI has made significant progress and has...