《破解玩家》作者:Ava Bounds
By Xinrui Ma Players is a sci-fi short film directed and produced by Ava Bounds, a talented teenage director who creates absurdist plays and delves into profound human existence. This short film starring Bryan Bounds and Thea Procter tells the story of a special girl who possesses the manipulative power to control things in an idyllic village. 首先, I was not sure if I fully understood Ava’s intention, as this film seemed...
咖啡紅: 危地馬拉之夢的烹飪革命
由: Ailin Velazquez Cooking for the Guatemalan Dream, directed by Nicola Pilkington, is an educational and inspiring film following Cecilia Cuc Alonzo’s journey—a young Guatemalan woman aspiring for success in a challenging country. It sheds light on Guatemala’s economic issues, illustrating the driving force compelling youth migration to seek a better life in the U.S. Amidst these challenges, Cafe Red emerges as a...
架起希望的橋樑: ITDP 對泰國山地部落的影響
By Xinrui Ma Hope is directed by Kathleen Duke and was produced as part of the Actuality Abroad program, 讓說故事的人能夠去旅行, 學習, 並分享有影響力的全球敘事. 我相信電影製片人探索世界不同地區並製作解決當地問題的電影的機會確實很特別且非常寶貴. 這部紀錄短片, 以泰國為背景的, 講述迪迪的故事, a community...
賦予債券權力: 熱血姐妹的評論
By Ailin Velazquez Blood Sisters, directed by Anastacia Puertas, is a coming-of-age short film exploring womanhood, 友誼, and sisterhood. It follows a young girl’s first period, illuminating how this experience fosters connections with other girls. This film is a must-see, offering a unique message, 大氣層, and presentation. I rate it 5 出 5 stars for its relatable and positive content. Ailin Velazquez is...
By Rhea Mursalin The War On Plastic Waste, by Hunter Harrell, is a short film in Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver series supporting ByFusion’s Micro Diversion Platform. ByFusion’s innovative solution converts plastic waste into Byblock, an adaptable building material, addressing ocean plastic pollution. 該 1 對 1 plastic to brick conversion project has conquerable challenges, thereby establishing itself in the film as a doable...